- Feb 8, 2021
February 8th, 2021, “PLABAN.net” is open!
Hello! I am NanaAkua. (I am using a transition site to help my English. I hope you could understand what I wanted to write.) February 8th is Plaban Day (Shrink Plastic craft day) ! I am establishing it this year 2021. I’ve also decided that the 28th of every month will also be Plaban Day! That’s why I’ve decided to open a new website for Plaban Craft. (In Japanese, “2 “ sounds like “pu” and “8” sounds like “ba” in some cases) What do you think of when you hear the word “Plaban(Shrink Plastic)”? As a material for plastic models(model kit)? Or as a magical plastic sheet that shrinks when heated in a toaster oven? When you say “Do Plaban“ in Japanese, it most likely […]